Northern Lights Cedar Hot Tubs & Saunas Wins Best Of Class Award For 2024
Northern Lights Cedar Hot Tubs & Saunas was one of the first picks for the coveted Best Of Class Awards for the Pool And Spa Industry for 2024. Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category this year. This Canadian-based company is well known for their high quality wooden hot tubs and saunas. They are one the Best Of Class “All Stars”, having won an award each year since 2010!, a Florida based pool and spa web site, announces the winners of their annual Best Of Class Awards for companies in the pool and spa industry each year. The award program recognizes outstanding and superior products, innovation and/or customer service in the pool and spa industry.
This year’s Awards were based on a combination of factors including some product inspections, phone interviews, as well as consumer input through the use of a third-party consumer survey company. The 2024 Best Of Class Award Program focuses on quality, not necessarily quantity, at various price points. was one of the first pool and spa companies to have a web site and has been on the Internet since 1994. They have presented their Best Of Class Awards every year since 1998. Congratulations to all of this year’s winning brands!
For further information about the Best Of Class Awards contact Awards Coordinator Steve Larson at
For further information about Northern Lights go to
If you have a swimming pool or hot tub, and you need any parts, chemicals or supplies, please visit our online store
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