Welcome To This Month’s Online Newsletter

Hi everyone! It’s Dan from PoolAndSpa.com with this month’s edition of our brand new, freshly re-designed, Swimming Pool And Hot Tub Online Newsletter…
This Month’s Most Popular Pool And Hot Tub Articles And Videos
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This Month’s Most Popular Pool And Hot Tub Articles And Videos – Browse through all of this Month’s most popular articles and videos about Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs, Swim Spas, How-To Instructions, new Products and News from various Pool and Spa Manufacturers…
How to Close And Winterize a Swimming Pool
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How to Properly Close And Winterize a Swimming Pool – The Definitive Guide On How-To Close And Winterize a Swimming Pool – Detailed Instructions For Closing In-Ground And Above Ground Pools
Tags:how to close a pool , pool closing , Swimming Pool Closing , winterizing
How To Create Relaxing Outdoor Spaces In Your Own Backyard
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You can enjoy the Great Outdoors in your own home! Whether you’re looking to create a relaxing outdoor space or an inviting patio area, you now have a lot of products available to transform your boring backyard into a luxury stay-cation style atmosphere! With the right design, furnishings, and accessories, you can make your outdoor space into something beautiful and functional. Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to make your outdoor…
How To Open An Inground Swimming Pool
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A pool properly maintained during the winter months can be prepared for a new season of swimming with a minimum of effort. Pump, hose, or sweep away water, dirt, or debris from the cover and deck. Remove the cover and plugs from all openings.
Tags:How to open my pool , Pool Opening , swimming pool care , swimming pools
What Is The Square Footage Of My Inground Swimming Pool
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What is the Square Footage of my Inground Swimming Pool ? – Knowing the Square Footage of a swimming pool is very important when you need to paint it. Estimating the amount of Paint your project will require depends on the smoothness of the surface, the number of coats recommended for a particular coating and the total square feet of the area to be painted…
Tags:painting , square footage , swimming pools
Do You Have To Wait 30 Minutes After Eating To Go In The Pool
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Do you have to wait 30 minutes after eating to go in the pool? Well, a lot of kids all over the world are awaiting the definitive answer! Kids can now rejoice worldwide because the proof is in! You don’t actually have to wait 30 minutes after eating before you can go in the pool. The myth busters have come to the rescue. For decades, countless numbers of children worldwide have been forced to sit next to…
Swimming Pool Water Chemistry And Water Testing
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Swimming Pool Water Chemistry And Water Testing. The subject of water testing may transport you back to the days when you were in school and final exams were approaching, all too…
Should You Take A Shower Before You Swim In A Pool
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Should You Take A Shower Before You Swim In A Pool – Why You Should Shower Before You Swim. Have you ever seen those signs posted in public pools that say you must shower before entering the pool? Have you ever wondered why many pool owners want you to shower before diving in for a cool dip in the water? Showering before entering a pool is one of the least practiced habits before swimming in most countries around the world…
Facts about Pool Heating
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Considering today’s high fuel costs, does it make sense for me to heat my pool?
The answer is yes – if you want to enjoy comfortable swimming at your own convenience. One of the reasons for owning a pool is being able to swim when you want to. As for cost, that’s up to you. You really can control fuel consumption and waste simply by taking advantage of the suggestions made on this page.
Tags:Facts about pool heating , Pool Heater , Pool Heating , Swimming Pool Heater
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